Rwanda, a paradise for bird enthusiasts, boasts 703 species, including 29 Albertine Rift Endemics. The country features diverse habitats and offers the finest montane birding experience in Africa.

Rwanda, a paradise for bird enthusiasts, boasts 703 species, including 29 Albertine Rift Endemics. The country features diverse habitats and offers the finest montane birding experience in Africa.

Rwanda boasts one of the most exceptional Montane Birding experiences in Africa. Combined with its excellent road infrastructure, safety measures, and diverse habitats, the country stands out as a premier eco-tourism destination on the continent. The compact size of Rwanda allows birding enthusiasts to explore several sites in a relatively short trip, providing access to some of Africa’s most sought-after bird species.

As of November 2018, Rwanda is home to 703 known bird species, with ongoing discoveries and additions to the country list since 2010. Notably, there are 29 Albertine Rift Endemics and various Lake Victoria Basin Endemics among the resident species, making Rwanda a must-visit for any birder’s wish list.

While Nyungwe National Park in the west and Akagera National Park in the east are the primary focal points for birding, rewarding birdwatching opportunities are scattered throughout the country, including near the capital, Kigali.

Nyungwe National Park, a tropical montane rainforest, hosts 322 bird species, 13 primate species, and numerous endemic plants. Noteworthy species include the Red-collared Babbler, a spectacular bird exclusive to Rwanda. Other highlights encompass Rwenzori Turaco, Handsome Francolin, Rwenzori Nightjar, Grauer’s Warbler, Regal, Blue-headed, and Purple Breasted Sunbirds, Grauer’s Swamp Warbler, and Neumann’s Warbler. The park’s well-maintained trail network, guided by expert bird guides, facilitates easy observation of these species.

For those with more time and a touch of luck, sightings may extend to Kungwe Apalis, Kivu Ground Thrush, Willard’s Sooty Boubou, and rare species like the Congo Bay Owl, Albertine Owlet, Shelley’s Crimsonwing, and Rockefeller’s Sunbird. Although seldom seen, night-walks, soon to be available, offer the potential to track down Nyungwe’s elusive nocturnal species.

Akagera National Park boasts a diverse landscape of savannah, rolling hills, lakes, wetlands, and woodlands, providing a classic African Big 5 safari experience. Its varied habitats make it a haven for bird enthusiasts, with a recorded count of 490 bird species. Unlike larger parks in the region, Akagera’s compact layout allows easy access to different ecosystems, making it an ideal destination for building an impressive bird list.

One of the park’s prized sightings is the Red-faced barbet, often found near Akagera Game Lodge and Muyumbu campsite. Other notable species include the Northern Brown-throated Weaver, Papyrus Gonolek, White-Winged Swamp Warbler, Carruthers’s Cisticola, White-collared Oliveback, and Grey-crowned Cranes. The elusive Shoebill, a sought-after bird, makes regular appearances in the park. Akagera is also home to thriving populations of raptors and abundant waterbirds.

Embarking on a boat trip across Lake Ihema offers excellent opportunities to observe a variety of waterbird species, with a good chance of spotting the African Finfoot. The Ruzizi Tented Lodge’s deck is another vantage point for observing these birds. A night drive adds excitement to the birdwatching experience, providing glimpses of nocturnal species like Verreaux’s Eagle Owl and various Nightjar species.

Volcanoes National Park, situated among dormant, densely vegetated volcanoes, features Rwanda’s highest point, Mount Karisimbi. Renowned for its Mountain Gorillas, the park also presents compelling birding prospects, with 200 species identified, including 17 Albertine Rift Endemics. While sharing similarities with Nyungwe, the Scarlet-Tufted Sunbird is exclusive to Volcanoes National Park. A trek to the summit of Mt Bisoke enhances the chances of encountering this unique bird. The park’s surrounding lakes and Buhanga Eco-Park offer additional birdwatching opportunities, with occasional sightings of the African Pitta during migration.

In the western mountains above Lake Kivu, Gishwati-Mukura National Park stands as Rwanda’s newest conservation area, currently undergoing extensive rehabilitation efforts. The park’s forests harbor an impressive birdlife, with Gishwati boasting 232 species and Mukura featuring 163, including several Albertine Rift Endemics and forest specialists. Although tourism options are still in development, bird enthusiasts can anticipate exciting opportunities as the park evolves. Keep an eye out for upcoming details on available activities.

Lake Kivu provides a serene interlude on a birding expedition, showcasing a multitude of avian wonders. The lake is a haven for White-breasted Cormorants, Pied Kingfishers, and migrating Osprey engaged in fishing. Along its shores, the common terrestrial species of Rwanda thrive, offering intriguing birding opportunities in the gardens of Karongi, Rubavu, and Rusizi hotels. Noteworthy sightings include the Double-tooth Barbet, Yellow-bellied Waxbill, Familiar Chat, Brown-throated Wattle-eye, and Spot-flanked Barbet, with the Kinunu area proving favorable for observing more commonplace species.

Rwanda’s wetlands constitute approximately 10% of the country’s landscape, with Rugezi, Akanyaru Wetlands, and Nyabarongo Wetlands recognized as Important Bird Areas by Birdlife International. Rugezi Marsh, a RAMSAR Site in northwestern Rwanda, harbors Grauer’s Swamp Warbler, Grey-crowned Cranes, and Papyrus Canary. Lake Nyagafunzo, within the marsh, offers a boat ride experience with opportunities to spot White-backed Duck and Lesser Jacana, alongside other waterbirds.

Moving southeast of Kigali to the Bugesera District, the wetlands and lakes unfold as accessible birding havens, boasting a rich diversity of habitats and hosting around 415 bird species. Papyrus Gonolek, Papyrus Canary, White-winged Swamp Warbler, White-collared Oliveback, Lesser Jacana, and White-backed Duck can be observed, with rare sightings of the latter two species reconfirmed in Rwanda in 2014. The region also attracts Red-chested Sunbird, Palm Nut Vulture, Blue-naped Mousebird, African Fish Eagle, and various waterbirds and savannah species.

In Kigali itself, urban birding is a rewarding endeavor. Hotel gardens and Nyarutarama Lake, also known as “Lover’s Lake,” teem with diverse bird species. Notable sightings include White-collared Oliveback, African Swamphen, Grey-headed Bushshrike, Bat Hawk, Narina Trogon, Lesser Honeyguide, Brown-backed Honeybird, Black Cuckoo-Shrike, Olive-bellied, Red-chested Sunbird, and Bronzy Sunbirds. Urban sites like Umusambi Village, set to open in mid-2019, promise close encounters with rescued Grey-crowned Cranes, while the Rwanda Environment Management Authority is developing a park on the city’s outskirts, further enriching the urban birding experience. Additionally, wetlands on the city’s periphery offer additional promising birdwatching locations.

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