10 Days Best Of Uganda Wildlife Camping Tour

Day 1: Kampala or Entebbe / Kibale Forest National Park          

Early breakfast followed by some long drive southwards via Fort Portal through verdant countryside and past traditional homesteads and farms. Fort-Portal rests in the shadow of the fabled Mountains of the Moon. Afternoon visit to Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary in search for smaller mammals and primates; look out for the rare red colobus monkey and the endangered Sitatunga antelope. The guided 4.5km circular trail through the swamp is also one of the best guided bird trails in East Africa as well as offering a realistic opportunity to see up to six different primate species in a space of a few hours.

Overnight: Kibale Forest Camp / Primate Lodge / Ndali Lodge
Meal plan: Lunch, dinner, breakfast

Day 2: Kibale Forest        

Early breakfast followed by chimp tracking and other primates which include l’ hoestes, red colobus, blues, red tailed and gray – cheeked mangabey. The guide will provide detailed explanations, not only on primates, but on all the forest fauna and flora and will ensure that your walk is both informative and enjoyable. This walk is excellent for viewing bird life and seeing primates at close quarters.

Overnight: Kibale Forest Camp / Primate Lodge / Ndali Lodge
Meal plan: Lunch, dinner, breakfast

Day 3: Kibale Forest / Queen Elizabeth National Park

Early breakfast followed by departure to Queen Elizabeth National Park; you will catch a glimpse of the mystical Ruwenzori Mountain range for much of the journey. Game drives en route with sightings of lion, elephant, leopard, buffalo, hyena and a variety of antelope species. In the afternoon, enjoy the unique 2-hour boat cruise on the Kazinga Channel and into Lake Edward. This trip passes through possibly the highest concentration of hippos and many animals may be seen drinking at the water’s edge. This launch cruise offers an excellent platform for photography, bird watching and game viewing. The prolific bird life is colourful and stupendous with well over 550 resident species.

Overnight: Queen Elizabeth Bush Lodge / Katara Lodge / Mweya Safari Lodge 
Meal plan: Lunch, dinner, breakfast

Day 4: Queen Elizabeth  

Early breakfast followed by rewarding morning and afternoon game drives with a lunch break. Queen Elizabeth National Park’s diverse eco-system of grassy plains, tropical forest, rivers, swamps, lakes and volcanic craters is home to an incredible abundance of wildlife. Game drives in this park, with the massive Ruwenzori as a backdrop provides excellent opportunities to see lion, leopard, giant forest hog, Cape buffalo, elephants, defassa waterbuck, Uganda Kob, Topi and bush buck.                                    

Overnight: Queen Elizabeth Bush Lodge / Katara Lodge / Mweya Safari Lodge 
Meal plan: Lunch, dinner, breakfast

Day 5 & 6: Ishasha Sector Queen Elizabeth

Early breakfast followed by morning transfer to Ishasha Area of Queen Elizabeth national park. Game drives in Ishasha sector, home to the famous tree-climbing lions and the large herds of game. The scenic beauty, the size of the euphorbia and a combination of riverine forest, Savannah plain and equatorial forest makes this a scenic and memorable day.

Overnight: Ishasha River / Ishasha Ntungwe River Camp / Ishasha Wilderness Tented Camp
Meal plan: Lunch, dinner, breakfast

Day 7: Queen Elizabeth / Bwindi National Park    

Early breakfast followed by long drive through the “Switzerland of Africa” area known as the Kigezi Highlands with its terraced hillside and winding roads to Bwindi; arrival in the forest in the evening.

Overnight: Buhoma Community Rest Camp / Engagi Lodge / Buhoma Lodge
Meal plan: Lunch, dinner, breakfast

Day 8: Bwindi Gorilla Tracking  

Early breakfast followed by morning entry into the spectacular rainforest. Bwindi offers a dramatic steeply forested landscape and is incredibly dense, but criss-crossed by numerous animal trails allowing access to tourists. Mammals recorded include the endangered mountain gorilla, rare golden monkey, buffalo, elephant, black-fronted duiker, bushbuck, leopard, giant forest log and others. This park is best known for the fascinating gorillas. The time taken and the terrain vary according to the movements of these marvelous primates. The thrill of spending time and observing the gorillas is a rare, moving, awesome and exciting adventure. The gorilla is a shy and peaceful animal and it is unforgettable experience to watch and photograph them as they interact.

Overnight: Buhoma Community Rest Camp / Engagi Lodge / Buhoma Lodge
Meal plan: Lunch, dinner, breakfast

Day 9: Bwindi Forest / Lake Mburo National Park

Early breakfast followed by a drive to Lake Mburo National Park. Enjoy the boat ride on Lake Mburo and get quite close to crocs and hippos. Birdwatchers will enjoy the more than 250 species of birds found in Lake Mburo including Papyrus Gonolek, Brown faced Lapwing. Carruther’s Cisticola, the extraordinary White Winged Warbler and Bare-Faced-Go- Away bird. In the evening enjoy relaxing game drives along the Lakeshore track. 

Overnight: Rwonyo Rest Camp / Lake Mburo Tented Camp / Mihingo Safari Lodge
Meal plan: Lunch, dinner, breakfast

Day 10: Lake Mburo National Park / Entebbe or Kampala

Early breakfast followed by either a game drive or a guided safari walk under the escort of an armed ranger. The Kopjes are particularly interesting and camouflage klipspringers and topis. Due to cattle herding in the area it is amusing to see zebra grazing alongside the long horned Ankore Cattle peaceably. Return for lunch which should be taken leisurely enjoying the view of the lakes in this park. After lunch, drive back to Kampala stopping at the Mpigi Royal Drum Makers en route where you will able to watch the ceremonial drums being crafted using methods passed down through generations. There will also be time to stop at the equator for photographs. You will arrive in Kampala in the evening.

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