3 Days Bwindi Gorilla Trekking Safari

Day 1: Kampala or Entebbe / Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

Early morning departure from Kampala or Entebbe for a full day’s drive through the beautiful Ugandan countryside to the ancient rainforests of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest; on the way, skirt the north-eastern shores of Lake Victoria, and climb into the mountainous south-western region of Uganda through terraced hillsides dotted with traditional settlements. Expect to arrive at your picturesque accommodation on the edge of the forest in the late afternoon.
Overnight: Buhoma Community Rest Camp / Engagi Lodge / Buhoma Lodge
Meal plan: Lunch, dinner, breakfast

Day 2: Bwindi Gorilla Trekking

Bwindi is a magnificent green swathe of dense rainforest and is one of the most biologically diverse areas on earth and a recently proclaimed World Heritage Site. Begin your gorilla trek in the early morning, and set off into the tangled and mist-shrouded forests with guides and trackers who are very experienced at locating the gorillas by finding the nest the family had used the previous night. The search for these majestic animals goes through thick untamed rainforest, where you’ll be scrambling over mossy rocks and through deep undergrowth and it can be arduous at times. But when you come face to face with the gorillas for the first time, the trek will be more than worth it. Watching gorillas in their natural habitat is a memory that will last a lifetime. After spending an hour with the gorillas we head back to the base camp for a late lunch and a relaxing afternoon.

Overnight: Buhoma Community Rest Camp / Engagi Lodge / Buhoma Lodge
Meal plan: Lunch, dinner, breakfast

Day 3: Bwindi / Kampala or Entebbe

Early morning departure from Bwindi back to Kampala stopping for lunch en route; expect to arrive back in the city in the early evening after a quick but exhilarating visit to the mountain gorillas.

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