Queen Elizabeth National Park

One would wonder where Queen Elizabeth National Park is Located. Well, it is found in the western part of Uganda laying between Lakes Gorge and Albert with the Kazinga Channel crossing through its 700 sq mile land area. The park was named after the Queen of England in 1954 following her visit.

The park is home to 618 bird species which is the 6th highest diversity in the world and the highest in Africa making it a perfect destination for Uganda Birding Safaris, in addition to 10 primate species like chimpanzees and 95 mammals including big game.

Tree Climbing Lions: with just two populations of these unique lions in the whole world, explore the southern Ishasha sector to track these lions commonly seen up in the fig and acacia trees.

The Kazinga Channel: this natural water channel connects Lakes Albert and Gorge and is home to a large number of hippos, Nile Crocodiles, elephants and hippos which can easily be seen on the thrilling Kazinga Boat Ride Kasenyi Plains: these plains are popularly visited by tourists on a Uganda Wildlife Safari as they are home to a very large number of antelopes, the Uganda Kobs, lions and several large predators Kalinzu Forest: this is offers very rewarding chimpanzee tracking experiences and it is located on the southeastern corner of the park The Kyambura Gorge: this verdant forested 100 meter deep valley with peculiar is home to a large number of primates and popular for Chimpanzee tracking tours in Uganda. Mweya Peninsular: this is a stretch of land that protrudes into Lake Edwards is commonly visited during game drives as it offers perfect game views  while exploring the various game tracks.

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